30 Days in Brief
- Lowest 18°C (Sep. 23)
- Precipitation 218.84mm
- Highest 26°C (Sep. 16)
- Humidity 84% Average
- Highest chance of rain 100% (Sep. 07)
- Sunshine hours 12 hours Average
Weather Forecast for Esteli For The Next 30 Days
Mon 09/09
20° / 23°
Light Rain
2.05 km/h
20° / 23°
- Day/Night: 24°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/22°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:51 AM
- Wind: 2.05 km/h
- Humidity: 91%
Tue 10/09
19° / 24°
Light Rain
1.63 km/h
19° / 24°
- Day/Night: 24°/21°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/22°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:50 AM
- Wind: 1.63 km/h
- Humidity: 87%
Wed 11/09
20° / 23°
Light Rain
2.22 km/h
20° / 23°
- Day/Night: 24°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/21°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:50 AM
- Wind: 2.22 km/h
- Humidity: 86%
Thu 12/09
19° / 25°
Light Rain
2.12 km/h
19° / 25°
- Day/Night: 25°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/22°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:49 AM
- Wind: 2.12 km/h
- Humidity: 75%
Fri 13/09
19° / 21°
Light Rain
2.48 km/h
19° / 21°
- Day/Night: 22°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/21°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:48 AM
- Wind: 2.48 km/h
- Humidity: 94%
Sat 14/09
19° / 26°
Light Rain
2.53 km/h
19° / 26°
- Day/Night: 26°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/22°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:48 AM
- Wind: 2.53 km/h
- Humidity: 71%
Sun 15/09
19° / 24°
Light Rain
2.32 km/h
19° / 24°
- Day/Night: 25°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/22°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:47 AM
- Wind: 2.32 km/h
- Humidity: 77%
Mon 16/09
18° / 26°
Light Rain
2.28 km/h
18° / 26°
- Day/Night: 26°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/22°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:46 AM
- Wind: 2.28 km/h
- Humidity: 71%
Tue 17/09
19° / 21°
Moderate Rain
2.48 km/h
19° / 21°
- Day/Night: 21°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/21°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:45 AM
- Wind: 2.48 km/h
- Humidity: 90%
Wed 18/09
19° / 25°
Light Rain
1.96 km/h
19° / 25°
- Day/Night: 26°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/22°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:45 AM
- Wind: 1.96 km/h
- Humidity: 80%
Thu 19/09
19° / 26°
Light Rain
2.18 km/h
19° / 26°
- Day/Night: 26°/21°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/22°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:44 AM
- Wind: 2.18 km/h
- Humidity: 74%
Fri 20/09
19° / 24°
Light Rain
2.44 km/h
19° / 24°
- Day/Night: 25°/21°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/22°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:43 AM
- Wind: 2.44 km/h
- Humidity: 84%
Sat 21/09
19° / 22°
Light Rain
3.28 km/h
19° / 22°
- Day/Night: 23°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/21°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:42 AM
- Wind: 3.28 km/h
- Humidity: 87%
Sun 22/09
18° / 24°
Light Rain
2.01 km/h
18° / 24°
- Day/Night: 25°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/20°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:42 AM
- Wind: 2.01 km/h
- Humidity: 79%
Mon 23/09
18° / 25°
Light Rain
1.46 km/h
18° / 25°
- Day/Night: 26°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 18°/21°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:41 AM
- Wind: 1.46 km/h
- Humidity: 78%
Tue 24/09
19° / 21°
Moderate Rain
1.46 km/h
19° / 21°
- Day/Night: 22°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/20°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:40 AM
- Wind: 1.46 km/h
- Humidity: 96%
Wed 25/09
19° / 23°
Moderate Rain
2.76 km/h
19° / 23°
- Day/Night: 24°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/21°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:40 AM
- Wind: 2.76 km/h
- Humidity: 90%
Thu 26/09
19° / 21°
Moderate Rain
2.76 km/h
19° / 21°
- Day/Night: 21°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/20°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:39 AM
- Wind: 2.76 km/h
- Humidity: 92%
Fri 27/09
19° / 23°
Light Rain
1.59 km/h
19° / 23°
- Day/Night: 24°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/22°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:38 AM
- Wind: 1.59 km/h
- Humidity: 89%
Sat 28/09
19° / 24°
Light Rain
1.88 km/h
19° / 24°
- Day/Night: 25°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/21°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:37 AM
- Wind: 1.88 km/h
- Humidity: 81%
Sun 29/09
19° / 24°
Light Rain
2.65 km/h
19° / 24°
- Day/Night: 24°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/22°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:37 AM
- Wind: 2.65 km/h
- Humidity: 86%
Mon 30/09
19° / 25°
Light Rain
2.29 km/h
19° / 25°
- Day/Night: 26°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/21°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:36 AM
- Wind: 2.29 km/h
- Humidity: 74%
Tue 01/10
19° / 25°
Moderate Rain
1.99 km/h
19° / 25°
- Day/Night: 25°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/22°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:35 AM
- Wind: 1.99 km/h
- Humidity: 73%
Wed 02/10
19° / 21°
Moderate Rain
1.63 km/h
19° / 21°
- Day/Night: 22°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/21°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:35 AM
- Wind: 1.63 km/h
- Humidity: 92%
Thu 03/10
19° / 21°
Moderate Rain
1.7 km/h
19° / 21°
- Day/Night: 22°/20°
- Morning/Afternoon: 20°/20°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:34 AM
- Wind: 1.7 km/h
- Humidity: 96%
Fri 04/10
19° / 21°
Light Rain
2.23 km/h
19° / 21°
- Day/Night: 22°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/20°
- Pressure: 1010 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:33 AM
- Wind: 2.23 km/h
- Humidity: 93%
Sat 05/10
18° / 22°
Light Rain
2.39 km/h
18° / 22°
- Day/Night: 23°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/20°
- Pressure: 1008 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:33 AM
- Wind: 2.39 km/h
- Humidity: 86%
Sun 06/10
18° / 22°
Light Rain
2.28 km/h
18° / 22°
- Day/Night: 23°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/20°
- Pressure: 1009 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:32 AM
- Wind: 2.28 km/h
- Humidity: 88%
Mon 07/10
18° / 22°
Light Rain
2.16 km/h
18° / 22°
- Day/Night: 23°/19°
- Morning/Afternoon: 19°/20°
- Pressure: 1011 hPa
- Sunrise/Sunset: 18:34 PM/06:31 AM
- Wind: 2.16 km/h
- Humidity: 89%
30-Day Temperature and Rainfall Posibility
30-Day Rainfall Forecast for Esteli
Esteli's weather
Frequently asked questions
1.What is the average temperature in Esteli for the next 30 days?
The average temperature in Esteli over the next 30 days is expected to range between 17.63°C and 26.06°C, with the highest occurring on 22 September and the lowest on 15 September.
2.Will humidity levels be high in Esteli during this period?
Yes, humidity levels in Esteli are typically high, often ranging between 71% and 96%, with a peak expected on 23 September, reaching 96%.
3.What will be the heaviest rainfall day in Esteli in the next 30 days?
The heaviest rainfall is expected on 23 September, with an estimated 47.68mm.
4.What is the total expected rainfall in Esteli for the upcoming 30 days?
The total rainfall over the next 30 days is predicted to be around 391mm.
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Esteli s' weather
Overcast Clouds
It feels like 22°
- Sunrise/Sunset 18:34 PM / 06:52 AM
- Min/Max 21°/22°
- Humidity 87%
- Pressure 1011 hPa
- Visibility 10 km
- Wind 4.39 km/h
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 220.3
- NH3 0.55
- NO 0.03
- NO2 0.74
- O3 21.99
- PM10 1.1
- PM25 0.66
- SO2 0.09
Sunrise / Sunset
18:34 PM
06:52 AM